John R. O'Brien
Associate Professor of Accounting and Experimental Economics, Emeritus
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- University of Minnesota - Ph D - 1985
- Macquarie University - BA - 1980
- Sydney University - BS - 1973
Conventional and Responsible Banking Sports Analytics Experimental MarketsPublications
- Optimal Shot Selection Strategies for the NBA
(author(s): Mark Fichman, John O'Brien)
Forthcoming in the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports - A Comparison of the Impact of the Basel Standards upon Islamic and Conventional Bank Risks in the Gulf State Region
(author(s): John O'Brien, Muhammad Farooqi)
Forthcoming in the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research - Three Point Shooting and Efficient Mixed Strategies: A Portfolio Management Approach
(author(s): Mark Fichman, John O'Brien)
Journal of Sports Analytics 4, 2018; 107-120 - An Analysis Of Financial Analysts' Optimism In Long-Term Growth Forecasts
(author(s): Byunghwan Lee, John O'Brien, K. Sivaramakrishnan)
Journal of Behavioral Finance 9(3), 2008; 171-184 - Dynamic Stock Markets With Multiple Assets - An Experimental-Analysis
(author(s): John O'Brien, S Srivastava)
Journal of Finance 46(5), 1991; 1811-1838 - Controlling Preferences For Lotteries On Units Of Experimental Exchange
(author(s): Je Berg, La Daley, JW Dickhaut, John O'Brien)
Quarterly Journal of Economics 101(2), 1986; 281-306
University Service
- various, Related to my position as Associate Dean CMUQ, various committees -- head of the building planning committee, head of the data visualization lab, member of the strategic planning education CMU committee, and other minor committees. (2014 - 2015)
- Tepper MBA Academic Actions (2007 - 2008)
- Tepper MBA Academic Actions (2006 - 2007)
- Tepper TA/Not Assigned To Any (2005 - 2006)
Public Service
- CMUQ, Committee Chair, Joint chair with M. Farooqi, Alumni event Dubai -- CMUQ and CMU alumni (bi-annual) (2014 - 2015)
- Software Development: Financial Trading System (January 1991 -)